Obligatory First Post


        It seems like every few years, I get the blogging itch.  And every time I do, I start a blog with every intention of making it the Best Blog Ever.  Only this time, I'm doing it more for me than to entertain everyone (even though I know I'm highly entertaining!). So Becky's back, and after nearly four years, there's a lot to catch up on.

        For starters, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease where my body attacks my bowels for no apparent reason. And yes, it's just as fun as it sounds. But thanks to medication, I can go on about my life more or less as normal. Just so long as I know where the closest bathroom is.

        Also, I've started taking online classes to become a veterinary technician. It's time to get back to work, and I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing than caring for critters.  The income will help us towards building our dream house on the property we bought on the west end of town, and I get to spoil animals!

        The girls are now 5 and 8, and driving me mildly insane with distance learning because of COVID-19.  They are the cutest, wildest girls I've ever met, and smart as whips to boot. Jon has QUIT the railroad, and is now working as a flagger for RailPros, a company that contracts to construction companies to help keep their workers safe around railroads.  After a couple of horrific fatal incidents on the train, it's good to see him helping prevent accidents rather than witness them.  

        The biggest change, and the reason for the title of this blog, is that I started knitting. Very quickly, it went from a casual hobby and therapeutic tool to a small business and a lifelong passion.  Guys, I'm addicted to yarn, squirreling it away in corners of my house that I occasionally discover and ooh and aah over.  I knit socks, scarves, hats, scrunchies, bookmarks, cup cozies, blankets, sweaters, and almost anything else I can think of. If I could get Jon to wear yarn underwear, I'd do that, too!

        So, what can you expect to see on this space? Lots of pictures of pretty yarn and finished projects, certainly, but also recipes, stories, parenting tips and tricks, gardening advice, and whatever the hell else I feel like putting up here. I'll try to steer clear of religion and politics, because those topics are stressful enough and this is supposed to be a positive space. 

        With that said, I love you all, and I'm looking forward to a new chapter in what might someday be a very strange book!
